Using a third company to help your business to support your clients 24/7 it’s almost a need in a digitized world. Furthermore, if you need to add multi lingual support, your business must consider to use a company to implement Customer Care as a Service (Caas) to keep up with the quality metrics and also with your exceptional customer care.
Why it’s important?
Customer care as a service will alleviate many pressure points, such as the need to offer support after hours or in different languages.
As it is stated in a recent report about COVID-19 from the OECD:
The COVID-19 crisis accelerated an expansion of e-commerce towards new firms, customers and types of products. It has provided customers with access to a significant variety of products from the convenience and safety of their homes, and has enabled firms to continue operation in spite of contact restrictions and other confinement measures.
E-commerce in the time of COVID-19
This led many small retailers to encounter a fact that e-commerce startups are now familiar with: working hours aren’t always a thing when you run an online company.
Also, we as customers have used to change our purchasing habits and we started to make more purchases at nights, during weekends or holidays. But we hope to get the same level of support from stores otherwise we may hesitate in completing the purchase. Have we thought about how to provide support to a customer at 1:00 AM in our local time?
Besides, a global and diverse market makes a multi-lingual support a need. In many states, we have customers that would like to get support in Spanish and it’s difficult for many retailers to integrate a permanent bilingual staff. Furthermore, if our product can be purchased worldwide, we may be losing sales based only in customer service.
How to use a CaaS?
You should understand what are the needs for your business. You may be able to save costs when demand isn’t high enough or constant which is often the case for seasonal business or growing faster than one e-commerce can address it.
Also, you may have concerns of releasing the control of the operations losing flexibility and agility you have by operating with in house staff. So that’s why it’s important to pick a right partner to handover the operations smoothly without losing the customer quality
That’s why we in Origo Solutions specialize in working with the best Customer Experience (CX) software and platforms. And now, we’re proud to announce a new service focused on help small and independent e-commerce stores and startups to provide superb 24/7 support to their respective customers.

Our customers doesn’t have to worry about onboard and training their new support staff. We can provide different levels of support for sales and existing customers depending on the requirements of the business.
What are the real benefits?
By using our CaaS solution you have access the following benefits:
- Flexibility by deciding by allowing our clients to decide whether they want to outsource only the time outside of their business hours or to delegate a specific type of request.
- Support during peak hours Making it possible to offer fast and relevant answers to build up a better customer experience.
- Transparency You’ll be able to check the tickets at any time and receive reports. Furthermore, you’ll have access to analytics and knowledge base
- Beyond chatbots Despite the excitement surrounding chatbots, the consensus is that they are not yet capable of handling complex requests.
- Easy integration We can integrate with your existing tools in a matter of days.
Finally, savings in operations given that managing your own freelancers, or hiring in-house will increase your with fixed costs. So our customers can pay only one subscription fee and charges per ticket that doesn’t have a minimum volume requirement.
Outstanding customer service can have a big impact on your business trajectory, so you should take care of it.

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